Energy Audit

  • INDIAN BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (BEE) Accredited Energy Audit For Industrial Process.
  • Assessment of Transformer loading & efficiency
  • Harmonic Load Survey and harmonic measurements
  • Further Scope for Power Factor Correction
  • HT PCC-wise electrical measurements for all major consumable loads of HT feeders
  • LT & HT motors for drives and measurements of different electrical parameters
  • Performance evaluation of HT capacitors & their existing condition
  • Study of Induction , Arc and various types of Furnace with efficiency analysis
  • Electrical & Thermal Energy Efficiency Audit, Engineering and Implementation
  • Process Engineering Audit, up gradation and Implementation.
  • Process engineering study of sponge iron units with eficiency engineering and implementation
  • Process engineering study of rolling mills with eficiency engineering and implementation